Agape Home Update

This summer, Thavey Cordoba, Director of Communications at Giesler LLC, returned home to Chiang Mai, Thailand, with her three little boys in tow. For Thavey, going home means being reunited with nannies, shrills of excitement and hugs from the Agape children, cuddling and feeding the babies and toddlers, going on outings, and so much more. The Agape Home and the Rideout family are like strands of thread woven together and are a part of the beautiful tapestry that makes Agape what it is today.
Thavey’s visit home was filled with all sorts of exciting events. Some highlights included painting and remodeling the pre-school, installing 200 new fans and all new lighting for energy cost-savings, hosting the Governor of Chiang Mai and his entourage, along with the Red Cross for the day on a visit to donate food and supplies, and 5 new babies were brought in from the government orphanage! Thavey recalls taking her boys to visit the Project Lek children in the surrounding mountains as one of the most memorable. The ability to show her children that they can make a difference in the lives of others less fortunate was impactful. Bringing supplies and sharing their joy and love with these precious children tells them they are valuable and offers them hope.
Now at the age of 75, Avis Rideout (Thavey’s mother, Founder & Director of Agape) is still bursting with the energy and vitality that would rival any 20-year-old. But there is more than just spunk to this extraordinary woman. It doesn’t take long for anyone to recognize she embodies the true meaning of Agape - the unconditional love of God. For she implemented a vision that has caused these HIV/AIDS children to be loved back to life. Now the Agape Home is recognized internationally as a place that gives exceptional love and care.
The needs for the Agape Home are bigger than ever. While there is a continual need for milk, food, clothes, school supplies and uniforms, and medical aid, they also need help with some of their larger projects. This includes finishing a 20-room dormitory that will allow their graduating children a place to live for minimal rent while they work, go to school, and slowly acclimate into society. It will also offer pregnant teens and single mothers a place to live until they can find work and support themselves and their children. Additionally, Agape needs two new vans. Their main transportation consists of two, 12-seater vans that are over ten years old and run down. There is also an imperative need for maintenance on their 6 Baan Jarawee homes.
To help this truly incredible ministry, you can become a monthly sponsor or give a one-time donation towards their general fund or a specific project, all tax deductible. Are you interested or know someone that would like to volunteer or support this Ministry? Submit an application! You are needed.
To learn more:
Agape Home Orphanage in Chiang Mai Thailand for HIV/AIDs effected children (agapehomethailand.org)
Nikki's Place Agape Home - Official | Facebook
(283) LEAVE HER TO DIE (Impact Room Edit) - YouTube
Or email Avis Rideout at agape@nikkisplace.org