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Looking Ahead for 2024

Giesler LLC

2024 has finally arrived and there is a lot of work ahead of us. Giesler has many plans and goals we are set to accomplish again throughout the year. Three of our initiatives are: sharing our expert knowledge, pursuing Navy opportunities, and continuing to focus on clearances and compliances.

Sharing Our Expert Knowledge

Our team of Highly Qualified Information Professionals (HQIP) has over 100 cumulative years of Navy experience, including Ashore Navy IP Leadership Tours at NETWARCOM, NCTAMS PAC and NCTAMS LANT along with assignments at NCTAMS LANT detachment Hampton Roads, and NCTS Iceland.  Afloat Leadership tours at COMTHIRDFLT along with 16 Shipboard Deployments in the Pacific and Middle East. Our Team of professionals have a long history of supporting Navy Information Technology Services, NGEN, ONE-NET, IT-21, cybersecurity, and data & infrastructure, and over 25 years of Program Management (PM) experience, both CONUS and OCONUS. Additionally, we have 2 former teachers that focus on Project Development, Communications, and Marketing for Giesler.

We have a lot of knowledge across our team, and a desire to share that knowledge with other individuals, small, and large businesses. We started a Navy Business Development Blog post series last year that we plan to add on to throughout the upcoming year to share some of that detailed and insightful knowledge, especially helpful to personnel that have been newly hired or assigned with Navy BD and Capture responsibilities. Additionally, we are utilizing our team’s background in Navy Telecommunication Services to help other companies understand the nuances of Navy IT networks. We also plan to continue mentoring departing service members to help them find success in civilian life.

Pursuing Navy Opportunities

Navy work is our specialty! We won a large contract with PMW 120 and are waiting on several others to be awarded this year. In the meantime, we are hard at work on BD and capture for several upcoming Navy IT contracts.

Giesler is a WOSB/VOSB prime contract holder on SeaPort Next Generation. SeaPort NxG is a multiple-award, IDIQ contract vehicle. Contracting Officers from the Naval Sea Systems Command, Naval Air Systems Command, Space and Naval Warfare Command, Naval Supply Systems Command, Military Sealift Command, Strategic Systems Programs, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Office of Naval Research, and the United States Marine Corps are authorized to place orders under this IDIQ contract. We qualify to prime or sub open, Small-Business set-aside, WOSB set-aside, and VOSB set-aside contracts coming out of SeaPort NxG.

Clearances and Compliances

One of our big projects last year was starting the process to obtain our Facilities Clearance (FCL). It took a lot of time and obstacles, but we are making headway and expect to obtain our FCL within the coming months.

Alongside this, we are continuing to expand our preparations for CMMC and all the necessary requirements mandated for it. As the final rule was recently released for review, it is expected to be in place by 2026 and Giesler will be ready.

              We are so excited for all that we have planned this year! We have so much more to share in the next couple of months, so stay tuned!


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